Mental Health Services
Providing therapy services for children, adolescents, teens, parents, and families at no cost to the clients.
As part of our purpose to provide treatment to those most affected by the current mental health crisis, the HMHI will provide free, evidenced-based clinical mental health services to children, adolescents, teens, parents, and families within the HeadFirst Counseling therapy practice and our network of providers at various locations.
Through providing personalized and quality mental health treatment at no cost to those most affected by the mental health crisis of our time, we aim to break down barriers to treatment and target the most vulnerable populations who have typically been denied access to services due to inability to pay.
Who Do We Help?
Our Network of Providers includes therapists at all levels of experience and training whom are able to provide therapeutic counseling services to treat the following concerns:
Low self-esteem
Grief or loss
Suicidal Ideation or grief related to suicide
Chronic illness or family medical diagnosis, including cancer
Social isolation and friendship concerns
Identity development/Identity crisis
Stress and worry
Post-Covid stress and adjustment concerns
Sadness/tearfulness or lack of joy
Body image concerns
Low self-love or self-acceptance
Autism Spectrum Disorders
ADHD and attention concerns
Behavior concerns and oppositional behaviors
Extreme emotions and meltdowns in children
Potty training concerns
Social media pressure/competitiveness
Academic stress
Who Do We NOT Help?
Due to the nature of the HMHI and access and availability of providers, we are currently NOT able to assist families with the following presenting concerns:
Complex trauma
Domestic violence
Sexual abuse
Divorce with any upcoming, pending or active litigation
History of homicidal ideation
History of eating disorders
Multi-year interventions
How is our team of providers unique?
Founded and run by mental health professionals at the forefront of the current mental health pandemic who have a deep understanding of the mental health needs of our generation.
Quality, comprehensive community education and counseling services utilizing evidenced-based interventions to improve mental health outcomes for our communities.
Accessible to all regardless of ability to pay. We believe that everyone has a right to taking control of their mental health and breaking the cycle of generational trauma and mental health disorders.
Who are the Providers?
The HeadFirst Mental Health Initiative is the nonprofit associated with the therapy group, HeadFirst Counseling.
​HeadFirst Counseling is a private counseling center offering therapy services for children, adolescents, adults, and parents in Dallas, TX, with many of the HeadFirst therapists providing services through the HMHI nonprofit.
Additional treatment providers stem from our network of licensed professionals and student therapy interns, ranging from PhD level neuropsychologists to SMU and Dallas Theological Seminary student interns.
We are currently contracted with the following providers and place our HMHI clients in these additional private practices:
HeadFirst Counseling- https://www.headfirstdallas.com/
Room For Change- https://roomforchange.info/
Karen Dumas- https://www.karendumaslpc.com/